My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station

My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station. I came to see him off. Sajjad was going to Dhaka to his elder sister's house.[Lesson — 3(A
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My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station

My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station

Seen Comprehension 

Read the text carefully and answer questions .

My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station. I came to see him off. Sajjad was going to Dhaka to his elder sister's house. It was very crowded in the station. There was a long line of people at the ticket counter. A woman was standing in the queue. She was holding her child's hand tightly. A group of young people was talking loudly and drinking tea in front of a tea stall. An old couple was trying to find a quiet place to sit down and rest. The waiting room was crowded, too. I saw one man who was trying to carry three heavy suitcases. A young lady was sitting on a bench with her luggage at one corner. She was reading a magazine.

My friend and I stood near a newspaper stall talking and watching the crowd around. Soon my friend's train started to leave. As the train whistled, he picked up his suitcase and we said goodbye to each other. [Lesson — 3(A)]

বঙ্গানুবাদ :  আমার বন্ধু সাজ্জাদ এবং আমি রেলওয়ে স্টেশনে বসেছিলাম। আমি ওকে বিদায় জানাতে এসেছিলাম। সাজ্জাদ ঢাকাতে ওর বড় বোনের বাড়িতে যাচ্ছিল। স্টেশনে অনেক ভিড় ছিল। টিকেট কাউন্টারে মানুষের একটা লম্বা লাইন ছিল। একজন মহিলা লাইনে দাঁড়িয়েছিল। সে তার বাচ্চার হাত শক্ত করে ধরে রেখেছিলো। একদল যুবক চায়ের দোকানের সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে জোরে জোরে কথা বলছিল এবং চা পান করছিল। এক বৃদ্ধ দম্পতি একটু বসে বিশ্রাম করার জন্য  একটা নীরব জায়গা খোঁজার চেষ্টা করছিলেন। বিশ্রামাগারটি জনাকীর্ণ ছিল। আমি একজন মানুষকে দেখলাম যে তিনটা ভারি স্যুটকেস বহন করার চেষ্টা করছিল। এক যুবতী এক কোণে তার মালামাল নিয়ে বেঞ্চের ওপর বসে ছিল। সে একটি ম্যাগাজিন পড়ছিল। 

আমার বন্ধু এবং আমি একটা পত্রিকার দোকানের কাছে দাঁড়িয়ে কথা বলছিলাম এবং চারপাশের ভিড় লক্ষ করছিলাম। শীঘ্রই আমার বন্ধুর ট্রেন চলতে শুরু করল। যখন ট্রেনটি বাঁশি দিয়ে সংকেত দিল সে তার স্যুটকেস নিয়ে ট্রেনে উঠল এবং আমরা একে অপরকে বিদায় জানালাম।

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives :
(a) Why did the speaker go to the station?
(i)  To see his friend (ii) To receive his friend
(iii) To say goodbye to his friend (iv) To watch the crowd
(b) Who is Sajjad?
(i)   The speaker of the passage (ii) A friend of the speaker
(iii) A cousin of the speaker (iv) A stranger
(c) How could you know that the young lady was afraid of losing her child? Because, she was____.
(i)   holding her child firmly (ii) careful of the child
(iii) looking all around (iv) standing in the line
(d) It was difficult to find a place for the old couple. Because ____.
(i)   they were old (ii) people do not like them
(iii) young people were too busy (iv) the station was crowded
(e) Why was the old couple trying to find a quiet place?
(i)   To sit down and take rest (ii) To watch people
(iii) To gossip (iv) To sleep
(f) crowded
(i)   congested  (ii) supervision 
(iii) loud  (iv) poor 
(g) queue
(i) length  (ii) sequence 
(iii) line (iv) width 
(h)  rest
 (i)  relax  (ii) upset
(iii) worry  (iv) both (i) & (ii) 
(i)  quiet 
(i) calm  (ii) noise 
(iii) cold  (iv) hot 
(j) heavy
(i) weighty  (ii) easy 
(iii) difficult  (iv) light 
(a)-(iii) ; (b)-(ii) ; (c)-(i) ; (d)-(iv) ; (e)-(i) ; (a) - (i); (b) - (iii); (c) - (i); (d) - (i); (e) - (i).

2. Answer the following questions.
(a) Why was there a long line of people at the ticket counter?
(b) How could you know that the waiting room was crowded?
(c) What did the speaker and his friend do to pass their time?
(d) Why do you think that a station is a busy place?
(e) Why was the young lady holding her child tightly? 
(a) The people were trying to get tickets. So, they were in a long line at the ticket counter to avoid chaos and disorder.
(b) An old couple was trying to find a quiet place to sit down and rest. But they did not find seats in the waiting room as it was crowded. 
(c) The speaker and his friend were waiting for the train. They were passing their time by talking and watching the crowd around.
(d) There are always people coming in and going out of the station. All are in a hurry in a station. So, a station is a busy place.
(e) The young lady was afraid of losing her child. So she was holding her child's hand tightly.

3. Fill in the gaps.
When the writer and his friend were (a)—at a railway station for train, they, (b)—to look around. As the station was (c)—, they could see a variety of people. There was competition a among the people to collect (d)—and so they had to (e)—a line. Infect, they did not want to (f)—chaotic situation. In the line, a woman was (g)—that her child might be lost in the crowd. The two friends saw people (h)—tea, laughing loudly, finding quiet place and so on. They (i)—that a man tried hard to carry heavy suitcases. They also saw that a (j)—lady was reading a magazine.

Answer to the Question no-3:
(a) waiting; (b) started; (c) crowded;
(d) tickets; (e) form; (f) create; (g) afraid;
(h) taking; (i) noticed; (j) young.

4. Make five sentences from the table.
A railway station seems to stand in queue for rickets
Everyone becomes verb busy here.
People is over crowded at the arrival of a train.
The station are almost calm at the departure of a train.
But it usually a busy place.
At a railway station

Answer to the Question no-4:
a. A railway station is usually a busy place.
b. Everyone seems very busy here.
c. People are to stand in queue for tickets.
d. The station becomes over crowded at the arrival of a train.
e. But it becomes almost calm at the departure of a train.

5. Write a short paragraph on ‘One day at a railway station’ using the following clues. Follow the order of information in the text.
Reason behind going to the station — condition of the station — passenger’s activities — stalls and waiting room — departure.

Answer to the Question no-5:
One day the writer went to a railway station to see his friend off who was going to Dhaka. They found the station very crowded so they stood near a newspaper stall. There was a long line of people to collect tickets. The station was full of several activities by the people. A woman in the line held her child tightly. A group of young people was talking and taking tea before a tea stall and an old couple was looking for a resting place as the waiting room was also crowded. Again, a man was trying to carry heavy bags and a young lady was seen sitting on her luggage and reading a magazine. At last when the train whistled, the writer’s friend picked up his bags and said good bye to each other.

6. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order.
The station was crowded as usual. They also notice a group of young people talking and taking tea in front of a stall. The writer and his friend one day reached at a railway station. Then when the train came, they said good bye to each other. They saw people formed line to collect tickets.

Answer to the Question no-6:
The writer and his friend one day reached at a railway station. The station was crowded as usual. They saw people formed line to collect tickets. They also notice a group of young people talking and taking tea in front of a stall. Then when the train came, they said good bye to each other.

7. True or false. If false, give the correct answer.
a. Sajan is the writer of the passage.
b. Sajan was alone at the railway station.
c. Sajan was going to his friend’s sister’s house.
d. Sajan is younger than his sister.
e. The station was very noisy.
f. There were people everywhere in the railway station.
g. People were waiting in a line before a train.
h. People formed a queue to collect ticket.
i. A woman sitting on her luggage held her son tightly.
j. An old couple was taking tea.
k. The waiting room was empty.

Answer to the Question no-7:
a) False. Corr. Inf. Sajan is the writer’s friend in the passage (b) False. Corr. Inf. Sajan was with his friend at the station (c) False. Corr. Inf. Sajan was going to his own sister’s house, (d) Ture, (e) True. (f) True. (g) False. Corr. Inf. People were waiting in a line before a ticket counter, (h) True. (i) False. Corr. Inf. A woman standing in the line held her child tightly, (j) False. Corr. Inf. An old couple was looking for a quiet place, (k) False. Corr. Inf. The waiting room was crowded.

8. Read the text again and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. There are more than necessary.
lady—held—waiting—room —crowded—long—young—Sajan —at—couple—ticket counter—off
Once the writer and his friend were (a) — the station. They were (b) — for the train. His friend, (c) — was going to Dhaka and he came to see him (d) —. He found the station very (e) —. There was a long line of people at the (f) —. A woman in the line (g) — her child tightly. The writer also saw a group of (h) — people was talking and taking tea. There was a (i) — of old people trying to find a resting place. Another passenger a young (j) — was sitting on her luggage and reading a magazine.

Answer to the Question no-8:
(a) at; (b) waiting; (c) Sajan; (d) off;
(e) crowded; (f) ticket counter; (g) held;
(h) young; (i) couple; (j) lady.

9. Read the text carefully and put a word in the gaps from the box matching their meanings.
long—see—off—stall—young —heavy—quiet hold—pick—up —loudly—elder
a. — = a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place.
b. — = making very little sound.
c. — = to lift something.
d. — = a greater length than usual.
e. — = older.
f. — = to go to a station to say good bye to someone.
g. — = weighing to lot.
h. — = not yet old.
i. — = to have some thing/ someone in hand.
j. — = with a lot of noise.

Answer to the Question no-9:
(a) stall; (b) quiet; (c) pick up; (d) long;
(e) elder; (f) see off; (g) heavy; (h) young;
(i) hold; (j) loudly.

Unseen Comprehension 

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.

The planet Mercury, the Venus, the Earth and the Mars differ from one another in terms of the sizes and distances from the star, Sun. While Mercury is 58 million kilometres away from the sun, Venus is 100 million kilometres away from it. However the planet Venus is larger in size. Its diameter is 12228 kilometres while that of Mercury is 4840 kms. The earth is almost the same size as Venus, having a diameter of 12756 kms. But it is farther from the sun. It is 50 million kms. Mars is much smaller in size than either the Venus or the Earth, having a diameter of 6742 kms. It is also much farther from the sun than the three other planets. The distance between the Sun and the Mars is 226 million kilometres.


নক্ষত্র সূর্য থেকে বুধ, শুক্র, পৃথিবী এবং মঙ্গল গ্রহগুলো একটি অপরটি থেকে আকৃতি এবং দূরত্বের দিক দিয়ে আলাদা। যেখানে বুধ সূর্য থেকে ৫৮ মিলিয়ন কিলোমিটার দূরে, শুক্র এটা থেকে ১০০ মিলিয়ন কি.মি. দূরে। যাহোক, শুক্র গ্রহ আকারে অধিকতর বড়। এটার ব্যাস ১২২২৮ কিলোমিটার আর বুধ গ্রহের ব্যাস হ”েছ ৪৮৪০ কিলোমিটার। পৃথিবীর আকৃতিও প্রায় শুক্র গ্রহের মতো, এর ব্যাস ১২৭৫৬ কিলোমিটার। কিš‘ এটা সূর্য থেকে আরো দূরে। এটা ৫০ মিলিয়ন কিলোমিটার দূরে। মঙ্গল শুক্র অথবা পৃথিবী থেকে আকারে অধিকতর ছোট, এর ব্যাস ৬৭৪২ কিলোমিটার। এটা সূর্য থেকে অন্য তিনটি গ্রহের চেয়েও অনেক দূরে অব¯ি’ত। সূর্য এবং মঙ্গলের মাঝে দূরত্ব ২২৬ মিলিয়ন কিলোমিটার।

A. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.

My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station

B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give correct answer for the false statements.

(a) In the passage totally five heavenly bodies are mentioned.
(b) Of the four planets mentioned in the text, the volume of the Venus is the largest.
(c) We are long away from the sun than the Mars is.
(d) In order of distance from the Sun, our planet is in the first position.
(e) The sun is in the central position of our solar system.


(i) 6742; (ii) 100 million; (iii) 12228; (iv) Earth; (v) 4840.

(a) True.
(b) False. Of the four planets mentioned in the text, the volume of the Earth is the largest.
(c) False. Mars is further from the sun than us.
(d) True.
(e) True.

My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station,My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station,My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station,My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway stationMy friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway stationMy friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station

নিত্য নতুন সকল আপডেটের জন্য জয়েন করুন

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