A long time ago, when Raju was in Class 5

A long time ago, when Raju was in Class 5 there was a fire in his school. | Special Model Test | Class Five, English For Today
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 A long time ago, when Raju was in (Class 5)

Class 5

class 5 

A long time ago, when Raju was in Class 5, there was a fire in his school. Everyone was very afraid, but no one panicked. The teachers helped the students to leave the building quietly and safely. Soon the firefighters came and put out the fire. Raju watched the firefighter from the school yard. He thought about the fire and the firefighters for a long time. After college, Raju joined a volunteer fire department. As a volunteer, he didn't get any money for his work. But Raju didn't mind. 
Now Raju is a full-time firefighter. It is his job, so he earns money for it. Most of the time his work is putting out fires, but he also teaches new firefighters about safety. He likes teaching very much. In his free time, Raju visits schools. He talks to students about fire safety. He tells them what to do if there is a fire. They shouldn't panic. They should listen to their teachers and leave the building quietly. - 

Class 5 Special Model Test for Final Examination - Class Five Special Model Test for Exam Preparation

Govt. Primary School

Special Model Test
class 5 
Sub: English
Time:  2:30 Hours.                                                               Full Marks: 100

Read the given text and answer the questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.

A long time ago, when Raju was in Class 5, there was a fire in his school. Everyone was very afraid, but no one panicked. The teachers helped the students to leave the building quietly and safely. Soon the firefighters came and put out the fire. Raju watched the firefighter from the school yard. He thought about the fire and the firefighters for a long time. After college, Raju joined a volunteer fire department. 
As a volunteer, he didn't get any money for his work. But Raju didn't mind. Now Raju is a full-time firefighter. It is his job, so he earns money for it. Most of the time his work is putting out fires, but he also teaches new firefighters about safety. He likes teaching very much. In his free time, Raju visits schools. He talks to students about fire safety. He tells them what to do if there is a fire. They shouldn't panic. They should listen to their teachers and leave the building quietly.

1.  Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B. (there is two extra)

Column A

Column B

(a) Ago

(b) Everyone

(c) Teacher

(d) Panicked

(e) Prevent

i.    stop from happening something.

ii.   affected with fear.

iii.  in the future.

iv.  all of them

v.   a person who teaches

vi.  in the past

vii. everything or everybody of mentioned


(i) Fill in the gaps with the correct wordy from the box below. There are three extra words which you need not use:









a)  After ……., Raju joined a volunteer fire department.
b) To ……. Put fires is Raju’s main job.
c) When …… Raju join a volunteer fire department.
d) The colour of fire is …….

2. Write True/ False. If false give the correct answer.  

(a) The firefighters put out the fire.
(b) Long time ago, when Raju was in class five, there was a function in his school.
(c) Raju joined a volunteer fire department after primary education.
(d) Raju now a volunteer firefighter.
(e) In his free time, Raju visits school and talks to students about fire safety.
(f) Raju plays nothing role as a firefighter.

3. Answer the following questions.

(a) Who put out the fire?
(b) Write the role of Raju as a firefighter.
(c) What are the qualities one requires to be a firefighter?
(d) Explain that firefighting is a challenging job.
(e) Why did Raju want to be a fire fighter?
(f) What does he like to do his free-time?

4. Write at least five sentences to write a short composition about 'firefighter’ by answering the following questions.  

(a) What is a firefighter?
(b) What does he do?
(c) How does he work?
(d) What will happen if he stops working?
(e) What do he think about his job?

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer and his wife. They were very poor. They had a goose. It was wonderful because it laid a golden egg everyday. So the poor farmer and wanted to be rich very quickly so they planned to get all the eggs from goose. They thought that the bird must have many golden edgs inside ts atomach and that it’s stomach was made of golden. The farmer and his wife decided to kill the bird. When they cut the goose open, they were unhappy to see that there were no eggs inside the goose. It’s stomach was like that of other birds. They remained poor.

5. Fill in the gaps with best word from the box. There are extra words which need not use:








golden eggs

(a)The farmer had a ....... goose.
(b) The goose ........ a golden egg every day.
(c) The farmer wanted to be .......... very quickly.
(d) The farmer killed the goose to get .........
(e) They remained ........ as they were before.

6. Write True/ False. If false give the correct answer. 

(a) The farmer had three goose.
(b) The farmer was kindhearted.
(c) The goose is a bird.
(d) The farmer decided to kill the goose to get all the eggs at one time.
(e) The farmer should be patient to get more eggs.
(f) The farmer cut the head of the goose.

7. Answer the following questions in sentence(s). 

(a) What type of egg did the goose lay everyday?
(b) Who decided to kill the goose?
(c) Where does a farmer usually sell eggs?
(d) What did the farmer do to be rich?
(e) Write 3 sentences to explain what you understand from the story?

8. Suppose, you one Maria/dev, mili/Milon is your friend, write a letter to your friend advising not to be greedy in his/her life. [Remember to include these things in your letter: date, address, salutation, main points for the letter closing.

9. Make Wh-question with the underlined word(s) given in the following statements.

(a) Fat and oil are at the top of food pyramid.
(b) Sima is using a lot of tissues because she has a runny nose.
(c) A firefighter works at the fire department.
(d) The passage is about St. Martin's Island and its beauty.
(e) The Olympics are held every four year.

10. Read the instructions about first aid of a burnt patient, then answer the following questions:

· See whether his/her clothing is on fire or not.
· Wrap with a blanket or cloth.
· Pour plenty of water.
· Check the burnt area critically.
· Immediately take him/her to the hospital.


(a)   What will you use to wrap a burnt man/woman? 
(b)   Why will you pour lots of water? 
(c)   What will you do if you see a person burning?

11.  Here is a fixture of world cup matches of Bangladesh. Write five sentences using the following information.




February 18

9:30 am


February 21

9:30 am


February 26

9:30 am

Sri Lanka

March 5

4:00 am


March 9

9:30 am


12.  Rearrange the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences. Punctuate the sentences correctly. 

(a) needs, She, medicine, some.
(b) dots, letter, Each, from, is, made.
(c) fruit, Stir, the, together, and, syrup, water.
(d) is, long, How, your, school, to, walk?
(e) too, can, see, fish, many, You!

13.  Imagine, you are Barno. Your date of birth is 10.01.2004 and you are a student of class V. Cosmopolitan Kindergarten School. Your favourite hobby is listening music. It is your ambition to be an actor or a dramatist. A membership of a theatre is needed first. By using the above information. you have to fill up the following admission form.

class 5,class 5,class 5,class 5 

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