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Global Village, Environment Pollution, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Computer

Global Village

Global Village

The term ‘global village’ was first used by Marshal McLuhan. In 1962 and 1964 he wrote two books on media and communication. In his books, he said that telephone, TV and electronic media have brought all mankind close to one another. For example, if we see the news of floods in a distant country on TV, we feel that we are also connected there. We can see that is happening at the same moment. We can share the same suffering with the people who are in real misery at the moment. McLuhan believed that electronic media would make the world a global village. When he first said about the idea of the global village, the Internet was not invented. But now, personal computers and the Internet have made McLuhan’s idea more correct than ever. Now the entire globe is chained in the world-wide-web called 'The Internet'.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Global means Worldwide . By the term Global village we mean the world to be a single community linked by telecommunications and internet  connections  the term was first used by Marshall McLuhan. In his two books on media and communication he opined that telephone , tv and electronic media have brought all mankind close to one another. for example if we  watch the news of floods or earthquakes in a distant land on tv we feel that we are also living in there .we can see what is happening  at the same moment. We can share the same suffering with the people who are in the picture at the moment . McLuhan believed that electronic , communication would make the global village . When he first said about the idea  of global village , the internet was not invented . But now personal computers and the internet have made his idea more realistic than ever. Now the entire globe is connected in a world wide web called ‘ The internet ‘

Global Village, Environment Pollution, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Computer

Environment Pollution

The environment refers to the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live. All things that make up the environment are interrelated. There prevails harmony among these elements of the environment. But if this harmony is broken, the environment gets polluted. This pollution can occur in many ways. Among various pollutions, air pollution, water pollution, and sound pollution are responsible for our environmental pollution to a large extent. But these pollutions can be controlled. For this reason, mass awareness is to be created. Besides, various laws in this regard are to be applied strictly. If we can do this, we shall be able to ensure a sound environment. But for want of a sound environment man suffer from various diseases. A polluted environment curtails the longevity of human beings on earth. So, a sound environment is a precondition to a healthy life. Hence, to make the world worthy of living, we have to control all kinds of pollution.

Same paragraph collected from another book

Human beings, animals, plants, air, water, and soil are the main elements of the environment. So, environmental pollution takes place when all these leading elements of the environment are polluted. For example, man makes fire to cook food, make bricks, melt tar for road construction, and to do many other things. Thus fires create smoke which pollutes the air. Besides this, different engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil. Air pollution from factories, burning trash, and vehicle fumes cause pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. Another pollution of the environment is sound pollution. It happens when the sound such as the sound of hydraulic horns and microphone goes beyond the audible capacity of human beings. Sound pollution also has bad effects on us. It causes giddiness, hypertension, deafness etc. Like air and sound, water is also polluted in different ways. When a man throws waste into water and uses chemical fertilizers, insecticides in the fields, water is polluted. Water pollution causes poisoning and various water-borne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea.

Global Village, Environment Pollution, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Computer

Air Pollution

Air is the most essential element for our life and environment without which our existence is impossible, Air pollution means the contamination of this essential air which makes it impossible for us to inhale. Air pollution mainly occurs in the cities and towns, especially in the industrialized ones. A large number of factories are actively responsible for polluting air. Carbon dioxide is the chief cause of air pollution. The burning of trash, diesel and other chemical substance in cars and vehicles produce a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases every day and pollutes air. The cutting and burning down of trees, trash, and the discharge of human waste into the open air also pollute air. For air pollution, we suffer from various diseases such as cancer, bronchitis, heart diseases etc. So in order to prevent pollution, we should plant more trees. We should use CNG instead of petrol and diesel. We should pot throw trash and waste in the open places.


Trees are a great friend of mankind. If there is no tree in the world, there will be no man on earth. They are the most useful and beautiful gifts of nature. They give us oxygen without which no man or animal can survive. They give us food and wood. They help in maintaining ecological balance. People are now cutting down trees on a large scale. This is causing deforestation and which seriously harms our environment. It is breaking the ecological balance which is causing environmental disasters. To prevent this, we have to create mass-consciousness among the people. We have to make the people assimilated the dire consequences of deforestation. We also have to let them know the good results of forestation. The media can play a great role in doing this. We have to stop deforestation anyhow otherwise we all will have perished. If there are no trees, the chain of order in nature will break down. No man can survive in a treeless world.

Same paragraph collected from another book

A large area of land that abounds with trees, bushes etc. is called forest and deforestation means cutting down trees in large numbers. Trees are useful to us in various ways: they provide us with wood and other products, they give us shade and they help to prevent drought and floods. But the third of these services of trees is the most important. To draw quick profit from trees, men cut them down in large numbers. Trees are destroyed mostly for being used as firewood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads to soil erosion and deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. So, we have to realize the bad effects of deforestation. In fact, if deforestation goes on our country will be changed into a desert. So, we have to educate our common people and to persuade them to abstain from cutting down trees, otherwise, the forests of our country will slowly disappear and we should be in great miseries.

Global Village, Environment Pollution, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Computer


Computer is an ultra-modern electronic device for strong and analysing information fed into it. it has no capacity to do anything by itself. It works on the basis of commands given by the operator. The invention of computer has a long history. Computer was not invented overnight. it took long time and hard labour to invent computer. A computer consists of five major components. They are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic unit. A computer performs three functions. Firstly, it receives data. Secondly, it processes data by various computations and the third is that emits data. Every computer has a machine language of its own and accordingly it works. Machine language is not fixed. It varies from machine to machine. Computer is of great use to us. It renders great service to mankind. It is like Aladin’s lamp. It has lessened our workloads, saved time and energy and made our life easy and comfortable. We can not go for a single moment without computers. It is part and parcel of our daily life.

Same paragraph collected from another book

A computer is a modern device of information technology as well as data processing and calculating. It is the miracle of modern science. It is operated by software. Without software a computer is useless. Without it modern civilization is meaningless. It is used in every aspect of life. It is used in medical science, engineering, administrative fields, defense, meteorology, astrology, marine science, telecommunication, industrial operation, airways, entertainment, research work etc. It is so fast in calculation that a work which may be done by a computer within a few minutes cannot be done by a man working continuously during his whole life. It has performed an imaginary revolution in the field of information technology. Nowadays Internet is used in innumerable scale. One can get entry to any library or university in anywhere of the world by browsing a computer sitting in Bangladesh. Online communication is a great advantage for us. It can connect whole the world at a glance. We can visit whole the world just sitting in front of it. It is the indispensable part of our modern life.

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