Paragraph: Your School Library For Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 &10

Paragraph: Your School Library For Class 4,5,6,7,8,9 &10, Write a paragraph on "Your School Library" by answering the following questions., A library
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 Paragraph: Your School Library

Paragraph: Your School Library

Write a paragraph on "Your School Library" by answering the following questions.

a) What is a school library?

b) Why is it needed for you?

c) What kinds of books are there in your school library?

d) Why is it called a store-house of knowledge?

e) What is the role of a school library?



Your School Library

(150 words for class 6 and 7)

A library is a storehouse of knowledge.  It satisfies our eternal thirst for knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. It plays an important role in the realm of knowledge. It is a part and parcel of a school. No school is complete without library. Our school has a big library. It is housed in a two-storied building. The library has a good collection of books. There are many almirahs. The books are arranged in different shelves according to the subjects. The reading room and the office room of the librarian are separate. The librarian has some assistants. There is a big reading room. The reading room is well furnished. When we take the help of a catalogue, the assistants at once find the book and help us. We are issued library cards. We can borrow books from the library. In the reading room we can read as many books as we like. Silence is must here. Nobody is allowed to make noise. The library is very helpful for us. We collect different types of book from the library. There are some books which help us to prepare our academic notes. There are also some books, magazines, etc. which help to broaden our knowledge. Actucally the library plays an important role to build our present and future.

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Same Paragraph collected from another text book

A School Library (āĻāĻ•āĻŸি āĻ¸্āĻ•ুāĻ˛ āĻ—্āĻ°āĻ¨্āĻĨাāĻ—াāĻ°) 

(200 words for class 8 and 9 )

A library is a great collection of books. It is indeed a store house of knowledge.) It is a place where all the students acquire knowledge by reading books. It is open to students as well as to teachers. It is a place for research too. The students who want to read books go to library. A school library bears a great importance to a school. A school without a library is like a garden without flowers. In fact, a school is incomplete without a library. Normally a school library is located beside the teacher's room or academic building. The books are arranged in alphabetic order within a specific subject in a school library. Each and every student is given a library card by the librarian. When the students show their card to their librarian, he issues the required book to the students for a limited period. The students have to return the books in time. In our school, we have a large library I go there regularly for reading books I feel proud of my school library.


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