Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen, There was an old farmer. He had three sons.
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 Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Class Six Seen

Read the text carefully and answer questions .

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world. Like computers mobile phones help us greatly in our daily life. Through mobiles we can connect the whole world. Only a few years ago we had difficulty to contact our near and dear ones. That was very costly too. Mobile phones are very handy and we can use them for communication with people at a very low cost. Mobile phones have different functions such as making calls, listening to music, taking photographs, storing information, etc. Even it can be used for distance learning. [Lesson-23(A)]

 Word Meaning with Synonyms.

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

বঙ্গানুবাদ :  

মোবাইল ফোন বিশ্বের আরেকটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আবিষ্কার। কম্পিউটারের মতো মোবাইল ফোন আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে ব্যাপকভাবে সাহায্য করে। মোবাইল ফোনের মাধ্যমে আমরা সারাবিশ্বের সাথে যুক্ত হতে পারি। মাত্র কয়েক বছর আগেও আমাদের প্রিয়জনদের সাথে যোগাযোগে করা কষ্টকর ছিল। ওটা খুব ব্যয়বহুলও ছিল। মোবাইল ফোন খুব সুবিধাজনক এবং আমরা খুব কম খরচে লোকজনের সাথে যোগাযোগ করার জন্য ব্যবহার করতে পারি। মোবাইল ফোনের বিভিন্ন ব্যবহার রয়েছে যেমন কল করা, গান শোনা, ছবি তোলা, তথ্য সংরক্ষণ, ইত্যাদি। এমনকি এটা দূরশিক্ষণের জন্য ব্যবহার করা যায়।

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

(a) Mobile phone is a great invention of the world like —— .

(i) internet

(ii) television

(iii) computer

(iv) car

(b) The main purpose of using mobile phone is ——.

(i) communication

(ii) listening to music

(iii) taking photoes

(iv) distance learning

(c) It was difficult to contact our near and dear ones. Why? 

(i) There was no mobile phone at all

(ii) There was no easy way to contact

(iii) It was costly

(iv) There was long distance

(d) In the passage the word "handy" means ——.

(i) cheap

(ii) fascilitating people with low cost to make call

(iii) easy to use

(iv) having many functions

(e) Before mobile phone, communication was very ——.

(i) easy

(ii) simple

(iii) interesting

(iv) costly

(f) greatly

(i) happily

(ii) immensely

(iii) narrowly

(iv) quietly 

(g) invention

(i) creation

(ii) communication 

(iii) distance

(iv) difference

(h) information

(i) function

(ii) learning 

(iii) handy

(iv) data 

(i) communication

(i) contact

(ii) travelling

(iii) trade

(iv) exercise 

(j) handy

(i) useless 

(ii) strange 

(iii) convenient

(iv) low 

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen


a.-(iii); b.-(i); c.-(ii); d.-(iii); e.-(iv) ;f.-(ii); g.-(i); h.-(iv); i.-(i); j.-(iii).


2. Answer the following questions.

(a) What is mobile phone?

(b) How do mobile phones help us in communication?

(c) Why was communication difficult a few years ago?

(d) What are the different functions of mobile phones?

(e) How can we connect the whole world?


(a) Mobile phone is a great invention of modern science. Through it we can connect the whole world.

(b) Through mobile phones we can communicate with our near and dear ones at a very low cost.

(c) A few years ago, mobile phones were not as available as now. So, communication was difficult.

(d) Some different functions of the mobile phones are making calls, listening to music, taking photographs, storing information, distance learning, etc.

(e) We can connect the whole world through mobile phones.


Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Class Six Unseen

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. 

There was an old farmer. He had three sons. They were very quarrelsome. They used to quarrel with one another. One day the farmer called his sons. He ordered them to bring some sticks. They brought some sticks. He ordered them to tie these in a bundle. He told them to break the bundle. They tried but could not break the bundle. All of his sons tried one after another but in vain. Then the old farmer told them to untie the bundle and separate the sticks. He told them to try again to break the sticks separately. This time the sons were able to break the sticks easily. Then the old man told his sons that they were like the sticks. If they remained separate and quarrelled with one another, the enemy would easily defeat them. But if they were united, they would be much stronger and no enemy could do any harm to them.

বঙ্গানুবাদ :  

এক বৃদ্ধ কৃষক ছিলেন। তার তিন ছেলে ছিল। তারা খুব ঝগড়াটে ছিল। তারা একে অন্যের সাথে ঝগড়া করত। একদিন কৃষক তার ছেলেদের ডাকলেন। তিনি তাদেরকে কিছু কাঠি আনতে আদেশ করলেন। তারা কিছু কাঠি আনল। তিনি এগুলোকে শক্ত করে একটি আঁটি বাঁধতে আদেশ দিলেন। তিনি তাদেরকে আঁটিটি ভাঙতে বললেন। তারা চেষ্টা করলো কিন্তু আঁটিটি ভাঙতে পারল না। একে একে তার ছেলেরা ভাঙতে চেষ্টা করল কিন্তু ব্যর্থ গেল। তারপর বৃদ্ধ কৃষক আঁটির বাঁধন খুলতে বলল এবং কাঠিগুলো আলাদা করতে বলল। কাঠিগুলো আলাদাভাবে ভাঙার জন্য তিনি আবার তাদেরকে চেষ্টা করতে বললেন। এই বার ছেলেরা সহজেই কাঠিগুলো ভাঙতে সক্ষম হলো। তারপর বৃদ্ধ লোক তার ছেলেদের বললেন যে তারা কাঠিগুলোর মতো। তারা যদি আলাদা থাকত এবং একে অপরের সাথে ঝগড়া করত, শত্রæরা সহজেই তাদের পরাজিত করতে পারত। তবে তারা যদি ঐক্যবদ্ধ হতো, তারা অধিকতর শক্তিশালী হতো এবং শত্রæরা তাদের কোনো ক্ষতি করতে পারত না।

A. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements.

i. The sons were habituated in quarrelling. 

ii. The sons did not bring the sticks. 

iii. A bundle was made with the sticks.

iv. The sons were capable of breaking the bundle.

v. They learnt a lesson to be united. 



(i) some sticks; (ii) A bundle; (iii) could not break; (iv) united; (v) stronger.


(i) True.

(ii) False. The sons brought the sticks.

(iii) True.

(iv) False. The sons were not capable of breaking the bundle.

(v) True.

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world | Class Six Seen & Unseen

নিত্য নতুন সকল আপডেটের জন্য জয়েন করুন

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