Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher - Class Six Seen & Unseen

Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher - Class Six Seen & Unseen, Hazrat Omar (R) was a great Caliph of the Muslim world. Class 6 Unseen Passage
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Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher. Class Six Seen

Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher

Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher.

Read the text carefully and answer questions.

Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher. She is a widow and lives alone. Her husband died three years ago. Her two daughters are married and live with their families in Dhaka. They talk to her over telephone and come to visit her whenever they get time.

Suraiya Begum has a lot of free time. She spends her time in reading books, watching TV, visiting friends and relatives. Sometimes she writes letters to her old colleagues. But now-a-days she often gets bored of doing all these things. She wants to do something more meaningful, something that would do good to others. She is planning to establish an old people's home in her locality. She knows some elderly people live all alone. They have no one to take care of them. They often feel helpless and miserable. They need care and support.  [Lesson — 16(A)]


বঙ্গানুবাদ : 

সুরাইয়া বেগম একজন অবসরপ্রাপ্ত স্কুল শিক্ষক। তিনি একজন বিধবা এবং একাকী বাস করেন। তার স্বামী তিন বছর আগে মারা গেছেন। তার দুই মেয়ে বিবাহিত এবং তারা তাদের পরিবারের সাথে ঢাকায় বাস করে। তারা তার সাথে টেলিফোনে কথা বলে এবং যখন সময় পায় তখন তার সাথে দেখা করতে আসে।
সুরাইয়া বেগমের  অনেক অবসর সময় আছে। তিনি গল্পের বই পড়ে, টেলিভিশন দেখে এবং বন্ধু বান্ধবী ও স্বজনদের সাথে দেখা করে তার সময় ব্যয় করেন । মাঝে মাঝে তিনি তার পুরনো সহকর্মীদের চিঠি লেখেন। কিন্তু ইদানিং প্রায়ই তিনি এসব কিছু করে বিরক্ত হন। তিনি এমন কিছু করতে চান যা  আরো অর্থপূর্ণ এবং যা অন্যদের কল্যাণ করবে। তিনি তার এলাকাতে একটি বৃদ্ধ নিবাস স্থাপন করার পরিকল্পনা করছেন । তিনি কিছু বয়স্ক মানুষদের চেনেন যারা একা বাস করেন। তাদের দেখাশুনা করার কেউ নেই। তারা প্রায়ই অসহায় ও যন্ত্রণাক্লিষ্ট অনুভব করেন। তাদের যতœ ও সমর্থন প্রয়োজন।


1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

(a) What does Suraiya Begum want to establish?
(i) School
(ii) hospital
(iii) old people's home  
(iv) building
(b) Why does Suraiya Begum have a lot of free time? Because ......
(i) she does not like to work
(ii) she has nobody to live with her
(iii) she has nothing to do            
(iv) she is a retired person
(c) The elderly people feel helpless and miserable. Why? ......
(i)  they are alone                            
(ii) they do not work      
(iii) they dislike people  
iv) they know nobody
(d) Suraiya Begum has  ...... free time.
(i) no    
(ii) a lot of
(iii) some            
(iv) none of the above
(e) Suraiya Begum wants to do something new, because ......
(i) she likes changes
 (ii) she wants to have fun           
(ii) she gets bored           
(iii) (iv) she does many things
(f)  establish
(i)  found             
(ii) abolish
(iii) oversent      
(iv) disrupt
(g) support
(i) help
(ii) refuse            
(iii) dishonour   
(iv) praise
(h)  colleague
(i) friends
(ii) co-worker
(iii) parents
(iv) relative
(i)  bore
(i) excite 
ii) elate
(iii) tire  
(iv) abolish
(j) meaningful
(i) painful            
(ii) dutiful
(iii) mirthful )     
(iv) significant
a.-(iii); b.-(iv); c.-(i); d.-(ii); e-(iii) ; (f)--(i); (g)-(i); (h)-(ii); (i)-(iii); (j)-(iv).

2. Answer the following questions.        

(a) What is the problem with the elderly people in our country?              
(b) How does Suraiya Begum pass her time?
(c) Why does Suraiya Begum want to establish an old home?
(d) How do the elderly people feel?
(e) What do the elderly people need?


(a) The problem with the elderly people is that they have nobody to take care of them and so they feel miserable and helpless.
(b) Suraiya Begum spends her time by reading books, watching TV, visiting friends and relatives and writing letters to her old colleagues.
(c) Suraiya Begum wants to do something more meaningful that would do good to others. That's why, she wants to establish an old home in her locality.
(d) The elderly people often feel helpless and miserable.
(e) The elderly people need care and support.

Hazrat Omar (R) was a great Caliph of the Muslim world. Class 6 Unseen Passage

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. 

Hazrat Omar (R) was a great Caliph of the Muslim world. He was a kind hearted and just ruler. Usually he went round different places at night to see for himself the conditions of his people. He did it in disguise.
One night the Caliph was walking alone as usual. Suddenly he heard some noise while he was passing by a hut. He went near the hut and found that some children were sitting around a big pot. Their mother was cooking something in the pot. The children were hungry and they were crying for food. "What are you cooking?" the Caliph asked. The woman looked at his face helplessly and did not say anything. Then the Caliph found out that there was no food inside the pot. She was just boiling water. He was very sorry. He quickly came back to the "National Store", took a bag of flour and carried it himself to the woman. "Thank you, stranger," said the woman. "Thank you for your help. The Caliph should be as kind as you." 
In fact, the woman did not know that the stranger was the Caliph himself.

A. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage:

Hazrat Omar (R) was a great Caliph of the Muslim world. Class 6 Unseen Passage

B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements.

(a) Hazrat Omar (R) was walking in disguise.
(b) The children were crying for their father.
(c) The woman was cooking food for her children.
(d) Hazrat Omar (R) gave the woman some flour from the national store.
(e) Hazrat Omar (R) was not sorry for the woman.



(i) Hazrat Omar(R); (ii) of kind heart; (iii) in disguise; (iv) Caliph; (v) one night.

(a) True.
(b) False. The children were crying for food.
(c) False. The woman was just boiling water.
(d) True.
(e) False. Hazrat Omar (R) was very sorry for the woman.

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