Suraiya Begum needs many people's help - Class Six

Suraiya Begum needs many people's help - Class Six, Seen & Unseen, Mount Everest is in the Himalayan Mountains. Class Six Unseen Passage
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Suraiya Begum needs many people's help | Class Six

Suraiya Begum needs many people's help

Suraiya Begum needs many people's help help to make her dream come true.

Read the text carefully and answer questions.

Suraiya Begum needs many people's help to make her dream come true. She sits down to write a letter to a friend who was her colleague and who now lives in the next town.
Dear Sharmila,
How are you? I'm writing to share with you a plan that I have. I know some old, physically weak and lonely people in our town. Some of them are quite well-off and some are not. But they all share one common thing that is they live alone and have no one to take care of them in sickness. Sometimes they don't have anybody to talk to.
I have a plan. I want to set up a home for the old people where they would live like a family and we can be a part of that family, too. I need your help because I know that together we can do a lot.
Write to me soon. I'll wait eagerly for your reply.
                                                                                                                Your friend,
                                                                                                                                [Lesson - 16(B)]

বঙ্গানুবাদ :  

সুরাইয়া বেগমের স্বপ্নকে বাস্তবে রূপান্তরিত করতে অনেক লোকের সহযোগিতা প্রয়োজন। তিনি তাঁর এক বন্ধুর কাছে চিঠি লিখতে বসেন যিনি তাঁর সহকর্মী ছিলেন এবং এখন তাঁর পাশের শহরে বাস করেন।
প্রিয় শর্মিলা,
তুমি কেমন আছ? আমার একটা পরিকল্পনা আমি তোমার সাথে ভাগাভাগি করে নেয়ার জন্য লিখছি। আমি আমাদের শহরের কতিপয় বয়স্ক, শারীরিকভাবে দুর্বল এবং নিঃসঙ্গ লোককে চিনি। তাদের মধ্যে অনেকেই যথেষ্ট সচ্ছল আবার অনেকেই সচ্ছল নয়। কিন্তু তাদের প্রত্যেকের একটা সাধারণ বিষয়ে মিল রয়েছে তা হলো তারা একাকী বসবাস করে এবং তাদের অসুস্থতার সময় দেখাশোনা করার কেউ নেই। মাঝেমধ্যে তাদের সাথে কথা বলারও কেউ থাকে না।
আমার একটা পরিকল্পনা আছে। আমি বয়স্ক মানুষদের জন্য একটা আশ্রম তৈরি করতে চাই যেখানে তারা প্রত্যেকে একটা পরিবারের মতো বাস করতে পারে এবং আমরাও ঐ পরিবারের একটি অংশ হতে পারি । আমার তোমার সাহায্যের প্রয়োজন কারণ আমি জানি একত্রে আমরা অনেক কিছু করতে পারি।
শীঘ্রই আমাকে লিখবে। আমি তোমার উত্তরের অধীর অপেক্ষায় রইলাম। 

Suraiya Begum needs , Suraiya Begum needs , Suraiya Begum needs many people's 

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives

(a) What does Suraiya Begum need to make her dream come true?
(i) no one's help
(ii) her niece's help
(iii) many people's help 
(iv) her friend's help

(b) She wants to share — with her friend.
(i) a room
(ii) a plan
(iii) a joke
(iv) food

(c) How does she share here plan?
(i) through mobile
(ii) through e-mail
(iii) through letter
(iv) through fax

(d) She wants to set up a — for the old people.
(i) home
(ii) gymnasium
(iii) hospital
(iv) school

(e) They would live like — there.
(i) friends
(ii) neighbours
(iii) a family
(iv) colleagues

(f) help
(i) aid
(ii) harm
(iii) money  
(iv) hinder

(g) dream 
(i) reality
(ii) wish 
(iii) truth
(iv) idea 

(h) alone 
(i) along
(ii) abandoned 
(iii) separate
(iv) lonely 

(i) plan 
(i) idea
(ii) plot 
(iii) map
(iv) design 

(j) colleague
(i) friend
(ii) neighbour 
(iii) associate  
(iv) employer 

(a)-(iii); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(i); (e)-(iii) ; (f) - (i); (g) - (ii); (h) - (iv); (i) - (i); (j) - (iii).

2. Answer the following questions.

(a) Who does Suraiya Begum write to?
(b) Does she have any particular reason for writing this letter?
(c) What do all the old people share?
(d) Why does she want to establish a home for the old people?
(e) How are the old people in the town?

(a) Suraiya Begum writes to her friend as well as colleague named Sharmila who lives in the neighbouring town.
(b) Yes. She writes the letter to share her plan with her friend Sharmila.
(c) All the old people share one common thing, that is they live alone and none is there to take care of them in illness.
(d) She wants to establish a home for the old people so that there they can live like a family and she and her friend can be a part of them.
(e) The old people in the town are alone, physically weak. Some of them are pretty well-off and some are not.

Mount Everest is in the Himalayan Mountains. Class Six Unseen Passage

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. 

Mount Everest is in the Himalayan Mountains. It is to the north of India between Tibet and Nepal. It is the highest peak in the world. It is over 29,000 feet above sea level. It was named after an Englishman, George Everest who was the first to survey the Himalayas in 1841. Many expeditions had been led to conquer the Everest. Some of them had to be abandoned. 
Many climbers who took part in them lost their lives. Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and his companion Tenzing Norgay from Nepal led an expedition in 1953. The expedition was set out on March 10. As the climbers were going up, they set up camps at different places. 
They left some of their men and supplies in those camps. The highest camp was set up at 27,000 feet. Only Hillary and Tenzing reached that height on March 25. But the top was still 2000 feet away. After two months of difficult and dangerous climbing, they succeeded reaching the top on May 10. 
They must have felt excited when they stood there. They have gone down in history as the conquerors of the highest mountain in the world. They were given a hearty welcome in 1954. In 1958 both of them were given the honour of world hero.

A. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.

Suraiya Begum needs many people's help

B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answer for the false statements.

(a) Mount Everest is in the Tibetan Mountains.
(b) It is over 9000 feet above the sea level.
(c) Sir Edmund Hillary led an expedition in 1953.
(d) Tenzing and Hillary reached the top on March 10.
(e) They needed 45 days to climb the last 2000 feet.


(i) George Everest; (ii) 1953; (iii) set out; (iv) Hearty welcome; (v) honour of the world hero.

(a) False. Mount Everest is in the Himalayan Mountains.
(b) False. It is over 29000 feet above the sea level.
(c) False. Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay led an expedition in 1953.
(d) False. Tenzing and Hillary reached the top on May 10.
(e) True.

নিত্য নতুন সকল আপডেটের জন্য জয়েন করুন

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