Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5, Class 5 English Model Test, Unit 24: Lesson 2-5
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Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

Class 5 English Model Test

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char.

Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 : [Unit 24: Lesson 2-5]

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char. Life is good for the family now, but that wasn't true after Cyclone Aila. Babul doesn't remember Cyclone Aila, but his parents often talk about that terrible night in 2009.

Babul's father had a grocery shop and his mother worked in a fish farm. They had a small house that they shared with Babul's grandparents. Babul was just a baby, but his sister Nipa was six years old.

Babul's father told him what happened that day.  There was light rain in the morning on 25 May. In the afternoon, the wind started to blow and people began to run for their homes. Babul's father closed his shop and his mother came home. His grandparents checked the family's emergency kit. Their torch was working and they had extra batteries. They put the torch, batteries and first aid kit in plastic box.

By the evening, the river was rising. The winds of Cyclone Aila shook the walls of the house as if there was an earthquake. Everyone was afraid.  Nipa began to cry. Suddenly, there was an awful noise and the family's roof blew away! The sky was dark, but the family could see trees flying over their heads. Grandmother still says she saw fish flying through the sky.

The next day was awful. Babul's family couldn't stop crying. Nipa and grandfather were gone. Babul's father went out to look for them. He found Nipa in a field. She was holding onto a tree and she was covered in mud. She didn't remember anything.  He took Nipa at home and began looking for her grandfather. He looked in the fields, the buildings and in the trees. Many people in Bangladesh were missing after Cyclone Aila, and Babul's grandfather was one of them. The family never found him.

After Cyclone Aila, People worked together. Nipa's school became the shelter for survivors. Babul and his family went to live in the school. The government of Bangladesh and workers from NGO's came to help, but things were very hard. There wasn't enough safe drinking water or food, so many people became ill. In time, people repaired their homes and rebuilt their village and bridges. They planted new trees and new crops in their fields. Babul feels happy when he looks at the trees and his sister Nipa, but he feels sad about his grandfather. His grandmother says, "Don't be sad, Babul. Grandfather wants us to live for the future."

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

1. Write the answer on the answer paper.


i) Babul's parents are ............   c

 A sick

B injured

 C alive

D dead


ii) Cyclone Aila hit Dublar Char in ............ . d

 A 2006

B 2007

 C 2008

D 2009


iii) Now, Babul's family consists of ............  members. b

 A four

B five

 C six

D seven


iv) Dublar Char is a ............    d

 A small house

B small hatchery

 C small distant land

D small island


v) On the day of Ayla the wind became strong ............    c

 A in the morning

B in the afternoon

 C in the evening

D at night


vi) A strong wind carried and threw Nipa in ............     b

 A an island

B a field

 C a hatchery

D in a house


vii) The night was ............ . b

 A funny

B fearful

 C interesting

D amesing


viii) There was sign of ............    a

 A devastation

B construction

 C creation

D manufacture


ix) What did Babul's father have? d

 A a fish farm

B  a fish market

 C a grocery market

D a grocery shop


x) Who was the youngest member of the family? a

 A Nipa

B Nipa's mother

 C Babul

D Babul's father


Additional Questions

i) Babul's father was a ............ .  c

 A farmer

B worker

 C shopkeeper

D teacher


ii) Babul's mother works in a ............ . b

 A grocery shop

B fish farm

 C house

D school


iii) The age of Nipa was ............  in 2009. b

 A 5

B 6

 C 7

D 8


iv) The rain and the wind became too strong ............ .    c

 A since morning

B in the afternoon

 C by the evening

D at night


v) Drizzling started ............ .   a

 A in the morning of Ayla

 B before the day of Ayla

 C after the day of Ayla

 D at the night of Ayla


vi) Who told Babul about Aila? b

 A Babul's grandfather

 B Babul's father

 C Babul's mother

 D Babul's grandmother


vii) The family will never find Babul's ............ . a

 A grandfather

 B grandmother

 C sister

 D grandparents and sister


viii) When did the wind began to blow? c

 A In the morning

B At dawn

 C In the afternoon

D At night


ix) Who was Nipa?   b

 A Babul’s cousin 

B Babul’s sister

 C Babul’s neighbour 

D Babul’s relative


x) People thought their homes ............ . d

 A dangerous  

B unsafe

 C risky

D safe

xi) Where did Babul's mother come from? c

 A Grocery shop

B field

 C fish farm

D school


xii) Everyone was afraid because of the ............ . b

 A earthquake

B cyclone

 C flood

D light rain


xiii) Nipa began to cry because she was ............ . b

 A unafraid

B afraid

 C fearless

D dauntless


xiv) Who saw fish flying through the sky? d

 A Babul's father

 B Babul's mother

 C Babul's grandfather

 D Babul's grandmother


xv) What blew their roof away? c

 A an awful noise

B an earthquake

 C a strong wind

D a gentle wind


xvi) Nipa was found holding onto a ............ . b

 A roof

B tree

 C wall

D timber


xvii) Who rescued Nipa? a

 A Nipa's father

B Nipa's mother

 C Nipa's brother

D Nipa's grandfather


xviii) Babul's father went out to look for ............ . d

 A Nipa and Babul

 B Nipa and her grandmother

 C Nipa and her father

 D Nipa and her grandfather


xix) Babul's ............  was missing after cyclone. c

 A mother

B father

 C grandfather

D grandmother


xx) Who was lost for ever? d

 A Babul

B Nipa

 C grandmother

D grandfather


xxi) Where did Babul and his family take shelter? b

 A Babul's school

 B Nipa's school

 C Government office

 D NGO office


xxii) People worked together ............  cyclone Aila. c

 A before

B during

 C after

D just before


xxiii) Why did many people become ill? d

 A for lack of unsafe drinking water

 B for lack of impure drinking water

 C for lack of drinking water

 D for lack of safe drinking water


xxiv) Babul feels happy when he looks at the ............ . b

 A crops and his mother

 B trees and his sister

 C school and his father

 D bridges and his mother


xxv) Why does Babul feel sad? d

 A Because of his grandmother

 B Because of his sister

 C Because of his father

 D Because of his grandfather


xxvi) Who consoles Babul? b

 A grandfather 

B grandmother

 C father

D mother

 Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

2. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B (There are two extra):


Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

Ans. a) + iii;   b) + v;   c) + i;   d) + ii;  e) + vii.


Or, Fill in the blanks.

a) The wind was stronger in the ............ .

b) People worked ............  after Aila.

c) The name of the storm was ............ .

d) After the storm, Nipa was found in a ............ .

e) Babul grandfather was ............ .

Ans. a) evening; b) together; c) Ayla; d) field; e) missing.

 Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

3. Answer the following questions.

a) When was the life of Babul's family got deteriorated?

 Ans. The life of Babul's family got deteriorated after cyclone Aila.

b) Where did Babul’s family live in?

 Ans. Babul’s family lived in a small house on the island of Dublar char.

c) Make a list of three events happened on the day of Ayla.

 Ans. A list of three events happened on the day of Ayla :

(i) light rain from morning.

(ii) rising up the water in the river.

(iii) houses were ruined.

d) What is Babul's father?

 Ans. Babul's father is a shopkeeper.

e) Whom did Babul live with?

 Ans. Babul lived with his parents, sister and grandparents.

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

Additional Questions

f) Why can't Babul remember cyclone Aila?

 Ans. Babul can't remember cyclone Aila because he was just a baby at the time of cyclone.

g) When did the wind become too strong?

 Ans. The wind became too strong by the evening.

h) How did the village become a valley of death?

 Ans. The village was completely ruined by Ayla. Tress and buildings were broken and many people were found missing. Thus the village became a valley of death.

i) Where did Babul's mother work?

 Ans. Babul's mother worked in a fish farm.

j) When did Cyclone Aila strike?

 Ans. Cyclone Aila struck on 25 May, 2009.

k) Where did people take shelter at the very beginning of the Cyclone Aila?

 Ans. At the very beginning of the Cyclone Aila, people took shelter in their houses.

l) What did people do when the wind had started to blow?

 Ans. People began to run for their homes when the wind had started to blow.

m) When did the wind begin to blow?

 Ans. The wind began to blow in the afternoon.

n) What precautions did Babul's grandparents take for the cyclone?

 Ans. Babul's grandparents took the following precautions for the cyclone :

 1. They checked the family's emergency kit.

 2. They put the torch, batteries and first aid kit in a plastic box.

o) Why did Babul's grandparents check their emergency kit?

 Ans. Babul's grandparents checked their emergency kit to meet their emergency need.

p) When was the river rising?

 Ans. The river was rising in the evening.

q) Why did the family's roof blow away?

 Ans. The family's roof blew away because of the strong wind of cyclone Aila.

r) Where was Nipa found the next day?

 Ans. Nipa was found in a field the next day.

s) How did the people work after Aila?

 Ans. The people worked together after Aila.

t) Who came to help the survivors?

 Ans. The government of Bangladesh and workers from NGOs came to help the survivors.

u) Why did people became ill?

 Ans. People became ill because there wasn't enough safe drinking water or food.

v) When does Babul feel sad?

 Ans. Babul feels sad when he thinks of his grandfather.

 Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5

4. Write a short composition on "A Storm You Have Experienced" in five sentences by answering the following questions.

a) When did the storm occur?

b) How was the condition of the weather?

c) What was happened?

d) How did you feel?

e) What news did you get after the storm?


"A Storm I Have Experienced"

On 25 June 2014, a terrible storm occurred in my village. On the day of the storm the wind was blowing strongly. I heard the breaking sounds of trees. I was screaming and crying. After the storm, I heard the death news of some cattles.

Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5, Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5, Babul and his family live on the island of Dublar Char | Class 5,

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