Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave - Class Six Seen & Unseen

Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave - Class Six Seen & Unsee, Class Six Seen & Unseen passage, Questions and Answer
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Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave - Class Six Seen & Unseen

Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave

Read the text carefully and answer questions.

Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave, became famous for the fables he told. After so many years, people all over the world still enjoy reading them today as much as the Greeks enjoyed listening to them long, long ago.

Long ago and far away, there was an old farmer who had seven sons. One day, the old farmer was lying on his bed and he thought that he would not live much longer. He called his sons before him. He told a servant to bring in a bundle of seven sticks tied together. He handed the bundle to his oldest son and said to him, "Son, now break the bundle."

The son tried with all his might, but he could not break the bundle. One by one, the other brothers tried. Not one of them was strong enough. 

The father smiled, "Now, my sons, untie the bundle. Each of you, take a stick and try to break it." This time they had no difficulty breaking the sticks. In a few moments all the sticks were broken. The old man looked at his sons affectionately and said, "Remember, in unity there is strength."  [Chapter — 24(A)]

Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave


শত শত বছর আগে, ঈশপ নামে গ্রিসের একজন ক্রীতদাস নীতিগল্প বলার কারণে বিখ্যাত হয়েছিলেন। এত বছর পরে, আজও সারা পৃথিবীর লোক সেসব গল্প পড়ে ততখানি আনন্দ উপভোগ করে যতখানি গ্রিকরা অনেক আগে সেই সব শুনে আনন্দ উপভোগ করত।

অনেকদিন আগে বহু দূরে, এক বৃদ্ধ কৃষকের সাতটি ছেলে ছিল। একদা বৃদ্ধ কৃষকটি তার বিছানায় শুয়ে ছিল এবং সে ভাবল সে হয়তো আর বেশি দিন বাঁচবে না। সে তার ছেলেদের তার কাছে ডাকল। সে একজন চাকরকে সাতটি লাঠি একত্রে বেঁধে নিয়ে আসতে বলল। সে আঁটিটি তার বড় ছেলের হাতে তুলে দিল এবং তাকে বলল, “বাবা, এখন আঁটিটি ভাঙো।”

পুত্রটি তার সর্বশক্তি দিয়ে চেষ্টা করল, কিন্তু সে আঁটিটি ভাঙতে পারল না। একে একে অন্য ভাইয়েরা  চেষ্টা করল। তাদের মধ্যে কেউই যথেষ্ট শক্তিশালী ছিল না। 

বৃদ্ধ পিতা হেসে বলল, “বাবারা, আঁটিটি খুলে ফেল। তোমরা প্রত্যেকে একটা করে লাঠি নাও এবং এটা ভাঙার চেষ্টা কর ।” এবার তাদের লাঠিগুলো ভাঙতে কোনো কষ্টই হলো না। কিছু সময়ের ভেতর সব লাঠি ভেঙে ফেলা হলো। বৃদ্ধ লোকটি স্নেহের সাথে তার পুত্রদের দিকে তাকালো এবং বলল, “স্মরণ রাখবে, একতাই বল।”

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

a.  Aesop was a —— .

(i) king

(ii) teacher

(iii) slave

(iv) servant

(b) Aesop was famous —— .

(i) for his fables

(ii) for his  intellect 

(iii) as an emperor 

(iv) as a farmer

(c) How many sons did the farmer have?

(i) four

(ii) three

(iii) eight

(iv) seven

(d) How did the old man look at his sons?

(i) Affectionately

(ii) Angrily

(iii) Rudely

(iv) Irritatingly

(e) What was the advice of the old man?

(i) Break the bundle

(ii) Untie the bundle

(iii) Take a stick and try to break it

(iv) In unity there is strength

(f) ago

(i) earlier

(ii) again

(iii) entirely 

(iv) out 

(g) famous

(i)   notorious

(ii) fabulous 

(iii) eminent

(iv) fantastic

(h) strong

(i) powerful 

(ii) weak

(iii) lame 

(iv) unable 

(i) gather

(i) accumulate

(ii) remind 

(iii) show

(iv) wither

(j) remember

(i) forget

(ii) recall 

(iii) ignore

(iv) overlook


(a)-iii.; (b)-i.; (c)-iv.; (d)-i.; (e)-iv. ; (f)—(i); (g)—(iii); (h)—(i); (i)—(i); (j)—(ii).

Set 2

Choose the best answer.

a. The old man looked at his sons —.

i. angrily ii. with affection iii. happily iv. sadly

b. The farmer thought that he —.

i. would be sick ii. will die iii. would see his sons iv. would die

c. Who was a famous story-teller?

i. Newton ii. The Greek iii. Aesope iv. The old man

d. What is the moral of the above story?

i. None can break a bundle of sticks ii. It is easy to break a single stick iii. Sticks are strong in a bundle iv. Unity is strength

e. Read the following statements:

i. A farmer wanted to break the sticks. ii. The farmer wanted to test the strength of his sons. iii. The farmer wanted to teach his sons a lesson


a. ii) with affection; b. iv) would die; c. iii) Aesop; d. iv) Unity is strength; e. iii) iii;


2. Answer the following questions.

(a) Who was Aesop?

(b) Why was Aesop famous?

(c) What did the farmer tell his servant?

(d) Why did the farmer call his sons? 

(e) Why couldn't the sons break the bundle of the sticks?


(a) Aesop was a Greek slave and famous fables-teller.

(b) Aesop was famous for telling fables.

(c) The farmer told his servant to bring a bundle of seven sticks tied together. 

(d) The farmer thought that he would not live much longer. So, he called his sons.

(e) The sons could not break the bundle of the sticks because none of them were strong enough to break it.

Read the passage in A again and answer the following questions.

a. When did they become successful in breaking bundle?

b. Why did the old man call his sons?

c. Who tries first to break the bundle?

e. Who was Aesop?

e. What is the moral of the story?


a. When the sticks were separated, they became successful in breaking them.

b. The old man called his sons to teach them a lesson.

c. The oldest son tried first to break the bundle.

d. Aesop was a Greek slave who was famous for his fables.

e. The moral of the story is “In unity, there is strength”.

3. Fill in the blanks with your own words.

Aesop (a) — many years ago in (b) —. He was a (c) — story-teller. He was famous for his (d) —. Till now his stories (e) — us as they (f) — the Greeks. This story is about an old (g) — and his seven sons. Once he felt (h) —. He wanted his sons to (i) — before him so that he could make them understand the significance of (j) —.

Answers no-3:

(a) lived; (b) Greece; (c) famous; (d) fables; (e) teach; (f) taught (g) farmar; (h) sick; (i) gather; (j) unity.

4. Make five sentences from the substitution table.

Sticks the united sticks while in a bundle.

Breaking of a single stick is not difficult.

The sons are hard enough unable to break the bundle.

Unity were strength.

is is not easy.

Answers no-4:

a. Sticks are hard enough while in a bundle. b. Breaking of the united sticks is not easy. c. Breaking of a single stick is not difficult. d. The sons were unable to break the bundle. e. Unity is strength.

5. Write a shorts paragraph on “The old man and his sons” using the following clues, Follow the order of information in the text.

Who is the old man — his plan — what did his sons do

— their failure — the teaching.

Answers no-5:

Long ago there lived an old farmer. He had seven sons. When he fell ill. He thought he would die. He feared that after his death his sons might not stay together. So, he made a plan and ordered a servant to bring a bundle of seven sticks and asked his sons to break it. All the sons tried hard. But they could not break it. Then he gave each of them a stick and they easily broke it. Then, the old farmer told them to remember that as long as they were united, they were strong.

6. Rearrange the following sentences in order to give it a sense.

He intended to teach them a good lesson and did it. It was not understood by the sons of a farmer. Then they could realize that unity is strength. Quarrelling is very bad. The farmer became worried about his quarrelsome sons.

Answers no-6:

Quarrelling is very bad. It was not understood by the sons of a farmer. The farmer became worried about his quarrelsome sons. He intended to teach them a good lesson and did it. Then they could realize that unity is strength.

7. True of False. If false, give the correct answer.

a. Aesop lived in Rome. b. The old man had nine sons. c. One day he went to see his sons. d. He asked his sons to break the bundle of the sticks. e. The sons tried hard to break the bundle.

Answers no-7:

(a) False. Corr. Inf: Aesop lived in Greece. (b) False. Corr. Inf: The old man had seven sons. (c) False, Corr. inf: One day he gathered his sons about his bed. (d) True (e) True.

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more than necessary.

easily lived hard oldest famous sons

untied about break could not handed seven

Long, long ago Aesop (a) — in Greece. He was (b) — for his stories. One of his stories was (c) — an old man who had seven (d) —. One day, he called his sons and asked them to (e) — a bundle of (f) — sticks. The sons tried (g) —. But they (h) — break it. So, they (i) — the bundle and then they could (j) — break the sticks.

Answers no-8:

(a) lived; (b) famous; (c) about; (d) sons; (e) break; (f) seven; (g) hard; (h) cold not; (i) untied; (j) easily.

9. Choose a ward from the box and put it into the blank nest to its meanings.

fable might unite unity gather strong

difficulty bundle enough affectionately

a. — = with feelings of liking.

b. — = as much as is necessary.

c. — = a short story which tells general truth.

d. — = the state of being joined together.

e. — = when something is not easy to do or understand.

f. — =powerful. g. — = to collect several thing from different places.

h. — = strength. i. — = to unfasten something tied.

j. — = number of things held together.

Answers no-9:

(a) affectionately; (b) enough; (c) fable; (d) unity; (e) difficulty; (f) strong; (g) gather; (h) might; i) untie; (j) bundle.

1. Which word is opposite of "contraction"?

a. Connection b. Expansion c. Opposite

d. Shrinking

2. The word "decade" means —.

a. rotter objects b. decaying old age

c. a group of ten people

d. a period of ten years

3. What does the abbreviation "A.D." stand for?

a. After death b. Anti-dote

c. Anno Domini d. Add data

4. The antonym of the word "biased" is —.

a. personal b. interested

c. different d. neutral

5. My friend is an — writer.

a. imaginary b. imaginative

c. imaginable d. imagination

6. It was our policy to deal with the problems as they—

a. arose b. rose c. raised d. roused

7. The word "hardly" means —.

a. always b. almost never

c. seriously d. regulary

8. I avoided going by car — purpose

a. in b. for c. by d. on

9. — discovery of insulin, it was not possible to treat diabetes

a. Prior b. The prior

c. Prior to the d. To prior

10. My father never approved of — a foreigner.

a. her to marry b. her marrying

c. she marrying d. she to marry

11. A person who hates the company of others is —.

a. antisocal b. unsociable

c. unknown d. gregarious

12. Fear of the police made the thief — away.

a. run b. ran c. to run d. running

13. "Modus Operandi" means —.

a. failed operation b. method of operation c. opera song d. suitable object

14. The boy takes — his grandfather.

a. to b. with c. up d. after

15. Our country is facing a— environmental crisis that needs to be —.

a. hard-ratified b. major-jeopardized

c. severe-mitigated d. acute-shortened

4. Make five sentences from the substitution table.

Sticks the united sticks while in a bundle.

Breaking of a single stick is not difficult.

The sons are hard enough unable to break the bundle.

Unity were strength.

is is not easy.

Answers no-4:

a. Sticks are hard enough while in a bundle. b. Breaking of the united sticks is not easy. c. Breaking of a single stick is not difficult. d. The sons were unable to break the bundle. e. Unity is strength.

5. Write a shorts paragraph on “The old man and his sons” using the following clues, Follow the order of information in the text.

Who is the old man — his plan — what did his sons do

— their failure — the teaching.

Answers no-5:

Long ago there lived an old farmer. He had seven sons. When he fell ill. He thought he would die. He feared that after his death his sons might not stay together. So, he made a plan and ordered a servant to bring a bundle of seven sticks and asked his sons to break it. All the sons tried hard. But they could not break it. Then he gave each of them a stick and they easily broke it. Then, the old farmer told them to remember that as long as they were united, they were strong.

6. Rearrange the following sentences in order to give it a sense.

He intended to teach them a good lesson and did it. It was not understood by the sons of a farmer. Then they could realize that unity is strength. Quarrelling is very bad. The farmer became worried about his quarrelsome sons.

Answers no-6:

Quarrelling is very bad. It was not understood by the sons of a farmer. The farmer became worried about his quarrelsome sons. He intended to teach them a good lesson and did it. Then they could realize that unity is strength.

7. True of False. If false, give the correct answer.

a. Aesop lived in Rome. b. The old man had nine sons. c. One day he went to see his sons. d. He asked his sons to break the bundle of the sticks. e. The sons tried hard to break the bundle.

Answers no-7:

(a) False. Corr. Inf: Aesop lived in Greece. (b) False. Corr. Inf: The old man had seven sons. (c) False, Corr. inf: One day he gathered his sons about his bed. (d) True (e) True.

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more than necessary.

easily lived hard oldest famous sons

untied about break could not handed seven

Long, long ago Aesop (a) — in Greece. He was (b) — for his stories. One of his stories was (c) — an old man who had seven (d) —. One day, he called his sons and asked them to (e) — a bundle of (f) — sticks. The sons tried (g) —. But they (h) — break it. So, they (i) — the bundle and then they could (j) — break the sticks.

Answers no-8:

(a) lived; (b) famous; (c) about; (d) sons; (e) break; (f) seven; (g) hard; (h) cold not; (i) untied; (j) easily.

9. Choose a ward from the box and put it into the blank nest to its meanings.

fable might unite unity gather strong

difficulty bundle enough affectionately

a. — = with feelings of liking.

b. — = as much as is necessary.

c. — = a short story which tells general truth.

d. — = the state of being joined together.

e. — = when something is not easy to do or understand.

f. — =powerful. g. — = to collect several thing from different places.

h. — = strength. i. — = to unfasten something tied.

j. — = number of things held together.

Answers no-9:

(a) affectionately; (b) enough; (c) fable; (d) unity; (e) difficulty; (f) strong; (g) gather; (h) might; i) untie; (j) bundle.

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.

Mother Teresa was born on 26 August 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia. Her father, a well respected local businessman, died when she was eight years old. Her mother was a devoutly religious woman. After the death of her husband, she opened an embroidery and cloth business to support her family. Mother Teresa came to Calcutta in India on 6 January 1929. She decided to be a nun on 24 May 1937, and here after was called Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was moved by the presence of the sick and dying on the streets of Kolkata. She founded the home for the dying destitute and named it ‘Nirmal Hridoy’, meaning ‘Pure Heart’. She and her fellow nuns gathered the dying people off the streets of Kolkata and brought them to this home. Mother Teresa's work has been recognised throughout the world and she has received a number of awards. These include the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971), the Nehru Prize for Promotion of International Peace & Understanding (1972), the Balzan Prize (1978), the Nobel Peace Prize (1979) and the Bharat Ratna (1980).
Mother Teresa died at the age of 87, on 5 September 1997. The world salutes her for her love and compassion for humanity. 


বাংলাদেশি আধুনিক চিত্রকলার পথিকৃৎ, জয়নুল আবেদীন ১৯১৪ সালের ২৯ ডিসেম্বর কিশোরগঞ্জ জেলায় জন্মগ্রহন করেন। তিনি বাংলাদেশের একজন বিখ্যাত চিত্রশিল্পী ছিলেন। তিনি বাংলার ‘দুর্ভিক্ষের চিত্রগুলোর’ জন্য ব্যাপকভাবে সুপরিচিত। একটি ধারাবাহিক চিত্রকর্মের মধ্য দিয়ে তিনি ১৯৪০ সালের দুর্ভিক্ষের নির্মম চিত্রটি এঁকেছেন এবং নিয়তিনির্ধারিত অনাহারে মৃত্যুবরণকারী মানুষের কংকালসার চিত্র অঙ্কনের মাধ্যমে এই দুর্ভিক্ষের সর্বগ্রাসী রূপটি ফুটিয়ে তুলেছেন। তিনি মানবিক আবেগ নিয়ে ঐ মর্মান্তিক ছবিগুলো এঁকেছেন। তিনি অনেকগুলো তুলি ও কালির আঁকা ছবি সৃষ্টি করেছেন যেগুলো পরিবর্তীতে মানুষের দুঃখ দুদর্শার আদর্শ চিত্র হয়ে পড়েছে। তিনি কোলকাতার সরকারী আর্ট স্কুল থেকে প্রথম শ্রেণিতে প্রথম হয়ে স্নাতক ডিগ্রি লাভ করেন। তিনি বাংলাদেশি চিত্র শিল্পের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা জনক হিসেবে বিবেচিত হন। চিত্রশিল্পে অসাধারণ মেধার জন্য তাকে ‘শিল্পাচার্য’ মানে “চিত্রশিল্পের মহান শিক্ষক” হিসেবে অভিহিত করা হয়। তিনি সোনারগাঁয়ে লোকশিল্প জাদুঘর এবং ময়মনসিংহে জয়নুল আবেদিন সংগ্রহশালা স্থাপন করেন।

A. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage:

Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave

B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements.

(a) Mother Teresa founded 'Nirmal Hridoy’ for the dying destitute.
(b) Mother Teresa has taught us cruelty.
(c) At the age of sixty three Mother Teresa received Nobel Prize.
(d) Mother Teresa get Balzan Prize in 1978.
(e) She died at the age of 85.

(i) 1910; (ii) receiving award; (iii) Mother Teresa; (iv) 1979; (v) died.

(a) True.
(b) False. Mother Teresa has taught us humanity.
(c) False. At the age of sixty nine Mother Teresa received Nobel Prize. 
(d) True.
(e) False. She died at the age of 87.

Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave
Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave
Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave
Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave
Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave

নিত্য নতুন সকল আপডেটের জন্য জয়েন করুন

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